Glass Magazine reviewed cosmetic acupuncture treatments in London, stopping at Zen to see our esteemed acupuncturist, Duna Al Rudainy. Although the author, Rachel McCormack, signed up for a three-session treatment plan, she saw noticeable results after just one round of cosmetic acupuncture.
Skeptical that this non-invasive, non-surgical approach to anti-ageing would actually work, she kept telling herself that maybe the results she experienced were just in her head or that they would go away after a week or so. However, when others started to notice the difference in her face too, she realised this was not just a fad. The cosmetic acupcunture fixed the signs of ageing she had been most self-conscious about and lasted 6 months, as promised. Rachel even went as far as to say that this cosmetic acupcunture procedure was the best investment she made in 2016.
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